Objectives Of The Church

The Objectives for which the Society is established are :-
a. The salvation of souls.
b. The edification of Christians through the teaching of God’s word ( The Bible) .
c. The world wide proclamation of God’s saving grace expressed in the shed blood of and finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ on Calvary’s cross.
d. The promotion of Godly worship.
e. The defense of “The faith once for all delivered to the saints. “
f. The cooperation with Christian activity functioning in harmony with God’s Word.
g. The establishing of Christian Institutions and agencies.
h. To receive and administer all gifts entrusted to the Society.

Ancillary Objectives

1. To obtain loans, secure mortgages and solicit annuities for forwarding the work of the Society.
j. To buy, build, maintain and dispose of movable and immovable property.
k. To rent or lease such facilities as may be necessary for the furtherance of the objectives of the Society.
l. To accept free will offering of the God’s people and raise money with the manner and method decided by the Board of Management and support the work of the church.
m. The income of the Society shall be used for the fulfillment of the above objectives.

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