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A Few Words About Us

About Our Delhi Tamil Church

Delhi Tamil Church was established on March 1, 1980 and was registered as a Society on January 15, 1986. The objective of establishing the Church was to obey the call of God to set up a Church of Believers to worship Him, glorify Him and to enjoy Him. The name Delhi was chosen as per the Word of God. All the Seven Churches mentioned in the New Testament bears the name of the locality. It talks about Church at Corinth, Church at Ephesus etc., but, not any Church named after anybody. The Lord’s message is clear. The Church is the body of Christ and it is only one, which we may call universal Church. This includes all believers of the past , the present and the future. There cannot be any division in the body of Christ. But, God permitted only one division i.e. locality, because all believers cannot meet at one place to worship Him. That is why the name of the locality was given to the Seven Churches in the New Testament.
Division on the basis of locality means that the Believers of that locality belong to that Church and they should come together there and worship Him. Whether one likes it or not, if he is in a locality where there is a Believer’s Church, he automatically becomes a member of the Church. Whether the Church likes it or not, a believer of the locality becomes the member of the Church. It is only for our convenience God has permitted this division. If a believer does not like the local church, the only solution for him is to shift his residence.
All the Epistles of Apostle Paul were addressed to the elders and deacons of the church. Because, God’s plan is that the churches should be run by elders and deacons. This was the format given to us in the Word of God.
Delhi Tamil Church was formed in obedience to His call and the model shown by the Lord in His Word. Many people were blessed because of the Church. The Church also established two ministries, one at Elagiri and another at Dharmapuri to serve the needy people.
Please continue to pray so that the Name of the Lord may be glorified through the church.

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